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What is Top Level Domain (TLD)? Following Understanding and Use!

A website address that is easy to remember will be easier to visit. This is why the domain becomes one of the important aspects of a website. However, there is something else you should consider besides the address name, which is the Top Level Domain (TLD).

TLD is the final part of a domain. Examples such as .com on or .com on Although it looks simple, but TLD also plays an important role in showing the identity of your website.

Want to know more about TLD? In this article, we will discuss in full about its meaning, its uses, and its types. Let's see to the end!

What is TLD?

As explained above, TLD is an extension of a domain. You must often see it in the form .com, .net, or

But wait, before continuing, are you familiar with the domain? If not, the domain is the address of a website.

The domain functions more or less the same as the contact name on the cellphone. You don't need to remember an IP Address - which consists of a complex row of numbers - to access a website. Just type in the domain name and you will immediately arrive at the website.

Since 2014, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has released more than 2000 TLDs, and the number will certainly continue to grow along with the increasingly varied functions of the website.

If you want to see a complete list of TLDs circulating out there, you can visit the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) website, which is one of the ICANN branches that is tasked with connecting TLDs with IP addresses.

What is the Use of TLD?

Domain functions as a website identity. Now, to strengthen this identity, you need to choose the right TLD.

TLD can show the theme or content of a website. Examples like .gov which shows that the website belongs to the government (government). Or. Edu which shows that the website belongs to an educational institution (education).

Another function of TLD is to show the origin of the website. For example, websites with the extension. Id indicate that the website is in Indonesian. Just like websites that have the .jp extension in Japanese.

Oh yes, you can also use a domain name that is already in use. With a note the extension must be different. Examples such as and Even though the name is the same, the contents of the website are different.

However, avoid using domain names that already exist even though the extension is different. Because this will make your domain name less authentic.

Of the many choices, the most popular TLD is .com - more than 40% of domains registered on the internet use it. So, if you want to choose the most memorable TLD, just select .com!

There are many more TLDs out there. And each has a different function.

Types of TLD

Although the amount is very large, but TLD can be divided into three categories, namely: gTLD, ccTLD, and sTLD.

Actually there is still one more type of TLD, namely Infrastructure Top Level Domain (.arpa). But because it only consists of one extension, we will only discuss commonly used ones.

Let's see one by one!

1. Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD)

As the name implies, this type of TLD is very common and can be used by anyone. Here are some examples of popular gTLDs:

  • .com - for commercial websites. Although currently it can be used by any website.
  • .org - for organizations.
  • .net - for networks.
  • .biz - for business.
  • .info - for information related sites.
There are also types of gTLD which are more flexible. The form can be a brand or product:
  • .google
  • .android
  • Mitsubishi
  • .motorcycle
  • .basketball

In addition, there are also several other popular gTLDs. Examples such as .xyz are known to be affordable. Then there are .store and .tech which are often used by business websites.

2. Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)

ccTLD is a type of TLD that represents a particular country. Here are some of them:
  • ccTLD Country
  • .cn China
  • German .de
  • .eu European Union
  • .es Spain
  • .fr France
  • .in India
  • .id Indonesia
  • .jp Japan
  • .us United States
  • .uk English

As you can see, each ccTLD consists of only two letters. This is because the two letters are based on ISO Code, which is a code that represents a region.

This type is suitable if you are targeting your website in certain areas. For example, if your target audience only comes from Indonesia, then you can use .id.

3. Sponsored Top Level Domain (sTLD)

sTLD is a type of TLD that is used for private organization or agency sites. Here is an example:
sTLD Organization

  • .aero Aviation Industry
  • .edu Educational institutions
  • .gov Government
  • .jobs Human Resources Manager
  • .museum Museum
  • post shipping service
  • .travel travel agent

Because sTLD represents a community or organization, you must meet special requirements to be able to use it.

For example, the .aero domain must be used by websites from the aviation industry. If not, the TLD won't work.

Choose the Best TLD for Your Website!

TLD is one important part of the domain. In this article, you have learned its meaning, its uses, and its various types. Whatever TLD you choose, make sure it matches the theme and purpose of your website.

If you are interested in learning more about domains, please visit our article that discusses the complete domain guide for beginners.

Or maybe you want to buy an attractive domain at an affordable price? Don't worry, Inakri Cloud offers various cheapest .com domain promos in 2020.

You can also choose various kinds of TLD you know. Click the button below to check cheap domains!

About the Author

Miko Martunus merupakan nama seorang anak yang terus berusaha agar lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Hobi dan suka dengan teknologi.

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